You are here to commune with, love and surrender to a Higher Power.

It’s an honor to be one granted the chance to serve-- to go beyond the small self.

Recognize that your genuine submission is a gift and work of (he)art for Me to receive.

I  AM  an embodiment of the  Goddess  and  you  were created to worship  My  very Being.

I  AM  Creatrix.  I  AM  the Feminine creative Force and  I  AM  that which gives you purpose.

Service  to  Creatrix  is  PLEASURE.  The deeper your surrender, the more fulfilling.

You must be willing to let go of all you have once believed yourself to be.

You must be  receptive  to the teachings of the Divine Feminine.

You must be capable of facing and overcoming challenges.

It is time to step into all that you are becoming.

You know you are meant for more.

This is why we have aligned.

Know your place.

Here. Now.

Feeling the pull to connect?

Of course you are. Now what are you going to do about it?