In countless cultures and traditions,
tithes, tributes and gifts have been
whole-heartedly offered-up to
God, Goddess, or Deity. 

And so it is in Creatrix Culture.


Tributes and tithes may be sent in the following ways:

  • Bitcoin (BTC) - wallet ID: 3LQFqui1qMsunBGTvsBVdWwndrjjsHAGrQ
  • Cashapp - to $CreatrixChalice
  • Credit/Debit:
    • Throne
    • Wishtender (You may use the "surprise gift" option to send a custom amount.)

Note - These are the only acceptable tribute options for calls, keyholding and custom clip orders. If you insist on tributing for these via OnlyFans or another content/clip site, you must cover the 20% fee.




When submitting ANY form of tribute, you will NEVER use any language that suggests sex work, adult services or that the tribute is anything other than a gift.

Your tribute may say "from ____" (your name or username) and that is it. Unless it is a tribute or a gift for a specific purpose, then you may say "for coffee," "for a massage," etc.

  • If I receive a tribute that breaks protocol, you will be refunded and run the risk of being permanently blocked.

Any time BTC is sent, unless you want it to remain anonymous, you are to send me a screenshot of the transaction.

Treating Me is a treat for you.
Go ahead, place a worthy offering.